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< User:Schererererer
Revision as of 23:14, 6 December 2014 by Schererererer (talk | contribs) (Updated WG, WE, LB, ModReq)
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New mods: Talk to an admin on Mumble or IRC for an in-depth tutorial on all the procedures for moderating.

Please feel free to contact a more experienced admin or moderator if you need help with any plugins or procedures.

Remember that this is just a guideline, and you will often have to make your own judgments - so please be responsible. Remember that you have been given these powers because we trust you. If we catch you misusing any of them, we will have to strip you of your powers, and it is unlikely you will be considered in the future for becoming a mod or admin again.

Useful Plugins

WorldGuard: Building Protection

Moderators have the ability to protect users' builds and creations. To protect something, a worldguard cuboid box must be placed around the entire structure. Using the wand tool, you'll want to select opposing corners of the area requested as Position 1 and Position 2. Position 1 is made by either using the right-click with the wand or //pos1, and Position 2 is made by either using left-click with the wand or //pos2. When both corners are selected successfully, you will see a selection outline if using WECUI.

Players placing defined corners, as following the tutorial at spawn here, can speed up the process and reduce miscommunication.

To create a region: /cregion regionname ownername1 ownername2

It is advised to first check if the player has built the structure they're requesting protections on, and if another region currently exists in the seletion you have.

Using /region-intersects will show all regions intersecting with your current selection.

Using /lb sel sum p will show who has contributed the most block edits to that selection.

Here is the full guide to protecting areas.

Warning: The wooden shovel can be a very powerful tool, as it allows you to select millions of blocks if you aren't careful. After you select the second point of an area, a number will pop up in parenthesis that shows the number of blocks in the selected area. For the majority of builds, this will be well under 100,000. Anything over one million blocks is too big; you likely had one corner left over from a previous protection. A quick way to reset a selection is to left click and right click on the same block, or using //sel.

Note: Installing the WorldEdit CUI client mod is very much recommended. It allows you to easily see exactly what you have selected, making it a lot easier to select the correct area to work with (helps prevents the all too common mistake of unknowingly selecting huge areas of the map).

Reminder: The Survival server, only uses Worldguard regions for beacon pyramids, as well as redstone builds not used for base-defence or pvp. The Creative server, uses specific region names formatting, as well as land claim solid borders. More info here: Creative now has World Edit

WorldEdit Commands

/fixwater [radius] will turn flowing water into source blocks and level the height.

/fixlava [radius] is the same as /fixwater.

Only use these two commands on the Creative server, as they no longer serve a purpose on PvE or Survival.

LogBlock Commands

Shortcut Commands

/trace [player name] - Shows a user's edits, and runs a lookup on the player.

/trace-r [player name] [radius] - Shows a players edits in the radius provided, and runs a lookup on the player.

/lbrb [player name] - Rolls back all of the players current edits.

/lbrb-r [player name] [radius] – Rolls back all of the players current edits in the radius given.

Quick Note: Always run a /trace-r [player name] or similar before running a /lbrb-r [player name]. This ensures you won’t accidently roll back something you didn’t plan on.

Full Commands and Parameters

/lb player [player name] – Displays all edits a user has done in list format.

/lb rollback player [player name] – Works the same way as /lbrb.

/lb redo player [player name] - This will redo all edits of the player specified. It is better to limit this command further with parameters.

/lb tp [#] - When using the Coords param, this will let you teleport to the specified edit number.

The advantage of using the full commands over the shortcut commands is due to the parameters. Parameters limit what the listing, rollback, and redo commands execute.

Useful and common parameters include:

Block [block type 1] [block type 2] – Limits to the commands to the blocks given.

Created, destroyed – Limits to what the player created and destroyed according to their history.

Area [radius] – Similar function to /trace-r and /lbrb-r, but can be used with additional params.

Sel – Only queries edits within your current Worldguard selection.

Time [#d OR #h OR #m] - Only queries in the last X time specified.

Since [dd:mm:yyyy] [hh:mm:ss] – All edits a player has done since the specified time.

Before [dd:mm:yyyy] [hh:mm:ss] – All edits a player has done before the specified time.

Sum [blocks or players] – Shows a detailed list of total block edits and total player edits respectively.

Coords: Shows the coordinates of blocks, so they can be visually displayed, or so you can teleport to them.

ModReq Plugin

With this plugin, a player can ask for mod assistance, even when no mods are online. This plugin is more involved when mods are using it. When someone files a request, a message will display in your chat box; 'New request. Type /check #### for more information'.

Commands used when dealing with modreqs include;

/check: Check request queue.

/tp-id [#]: Teleporta you to a request.

/tpi [#]: Checks, and teleports you to a request.

/tpc [#]: Claims, checks, and teleports you to a request.

/claim [#]: Claim a request.

/unclaim [#]: Remove your claim from a request; lets other people teleport, finish, and claim the request.

/done [#] [message]: Mark a request as completed.

/reopen [#]: Reopen a closed request.

/elevate [#]: Set flag for admin on a request.

/check [#]: Check a targeted request.

/modreq [request]: Make a request.

Dealing with Griefers and Rule Breakers

Issuing Warnings and the Server Rules: We have several rules in place to ensure that there is a friendly and welcoming environment for all players on the server. If you see anyone breaking any of the rules, confront them through the in-game chat. They may not notice the message you send, so if you want, use the "⁄msg [username] [message]" command, as this makes incoming messages much more obvious. If they still do not respond, you have to make the decision to either ⁄kick them or ⁄ban them. Please /lookup <player> before you ban; can see if they have any other global bans or notes of 'Griefing' of any kind

Griefing of any kind will not be tolerated on the server. If you see anyone destroying any work which does not belong to them, confront them straight away. Ask them what they are doing and why they are doing it. There may be cases where they are destroying things for other people. If you are unsure if they have permission or not, tell them to stop and ask the owner to place a sign⁄let staff know that the user is allowed to destroy that building. Only then, can they continue to destroy that building.

Placing any of the banned blocks is prohibited. No one, other than staff should be able to spawn and place banned items. You will get a grey message in chat when someone acquires and⁄or places banned items. You can use the ⁄vanish command to become invisible and ⁄tp to them to see what they are up to. Most of the time, its people using buckets to try and place water or something. Remind them that they cannot use these items, and if they need these items to ask staff in the future. If people continue to (attempt to) place banned blocks after you have warned them you can ⁄ban them. If you see people actually placing these blocks (and they don’t disappear)they are using an inventory editor and⁄or a hacked client. This is strictly against the rules, and you should issue a ⁄ban straight away. If you see people flying, instead of banning them straight away, issue a warning, telling them to stop using a hacked client. If they don’t oblige, ⁄ban them. Remember to add a note to people who are hacking that you warned; i.e. /addnote <player name> Flying; warned. Next time is ban. Racism and any other abuse toward any specific user will result in a instant ban. This includes both chat and through signs. Obviously you will have to decide whether it is a harmless joke, or actual abuse, but its normally pretty easy to distinguish between the two. It is a good idea when banning to /addnote <player> <reason; in this case "banned for racism" so mods can tell if the user has been harassing before.

Players should respect and obey what staff ask of them. If a player blatantly disregards what you are telling them, ⁄kick them with a warning. At the same time, remember that you are not above the rules - you should not berate other players. ⁄kick & ⁄ban

Mods have the power to ⁄kick players and ⁄ban players who are breaking rules. Obviously, you must decide whether the offense warrants a warning (⁄kick) or a ⁄ban. These guidelines should help you make a decision. If you kick for a reason, i.e. griefing always '/addnote <player> minor grief on <server; s, p, or c>' Adding notes helps mods decide to ban or kick!

Firstly, remember to give a message when you ⁄kick someone. They will see the message when they are kicked, and so it serves as a great way to get the message across that they are doing something wrong. To do this, type:

"⁄kick [player_name] [reason_for_kick]"

When someone is banned using the ⁄ban command, we log who issued the ban, and what reason was used for the ban. You should always state a reason why you ⁄ban someone. Do this by:

"⁄ban [player_name] [reason_for_ban]"

Also, you can also let them know they can appeal their ban at [1] in the reason, this is most likely automatic now; edit this if I am wrong.

Warning: To avoid confusion, please use the person's exact name when banning someone. (i.e. AlLnAtuRalX is better than allnaturalx) If problems happen, simply /unban the person and re-ban them using the correct case. Please remember to not TAB Auto-Complete the persons name; as this has caused some problems in the past... Just please manually type it out.

Also, remember to not abuse banning/kicking powers; when you kick or ban someone, it broadcasts a message to all staff saying that person was banned/kicked and the reason; i.e. if you ban Pilot; this will show up. Pilot was banned by <you> Reason: Hi; banning someone for 'Hi' is a automatic no-go and you will be de-modded whether you were joking or not.

If you see anyone using a hacked client (flying etc) you should ban them straight away with a message telling them to stop using it. And, '/addnote <player> Hacking: <hack used>'

On S and P, "/cb [playername]" replaces banned items with their component parts, so they don't keep trying to use it, but they do not lose their materials.

Dealing With Xray

When getting a ModReq about 'possible xray' or something of that nature; get an admin, and /elevate it. Then type '/mb I have a x-ray modreq, anyone wanna check it out?' When you go check the xray accusation... talk to an admin on mumble in 'Admin and Mod discussions' so people can't come in your channel... the admins will verify the tunnels are/aren't xray and then you may proceed to ban. When you ban... remember to '/addnote <xrayer> Banned for xray on x/x/2012, <1st? 2nd? 3rd? 4th?> time banned for xray, <Number of, if any> xray notes'

Server-specific Roles


  • Admin stuff; warps, worldedit, etc.:

Only set warps to significant structures - we don’t want to fill the list of warps with peoples small houses and stuff. It should be reserved for unique creations or very impressive builds. Also, make sure you don’t set warps to areas which already have warps close by.

To set a warp, stand and face the direction of where the warp should be, and type:

"⁄setwarp [warp_name]"

Admins can use more powerful worldEdit commands for operations such as replacing blocks, copy/pasting, and deleting areas. Admins are not to dig large areas out for anyone - all digging must be done by hand. They can only edit areas that users have already manipulated. Also, try and not to create huge areas of lava or water, as this will stress the server too much.

Banned Blocks: All staff members can spawn banned items. Staff can place banned items for users if they have a legitimate reason for them. Once again, try and not place too many water or lava blocks (especially water⁄lava falls) for the sake of the server’s performance.

If a user repeatedly tries to place banned items, use /ci username to wipe their inventory. /cb works as well, but only clears the banned items. (Actually, it turns the banned items into dirt at this time.)

  • Day/Night Cycles: /time

Users on creative typically ask for daylight as soon as night begins to fall. Type /time day to make it daytime once again.

Some users will occasionally request night-time to view their creations in a different light. /time night will accomplish this.

Do NOT use this command on Survival or PvE.

PvE and PvP

Server Rules:

Along with the standard "no harassment through chat or signs" rules there are some others:

If you see someone spawning loads of items, have doubts about how they got a lot of items, or see them in possession of unobtainable items, you should confront them, and if not convinced, ban them. Also, let an admin know straight away, as we can look through their inventory for other items, which could help see if they are lying or not.

We have a no griefing policy on these servers too. On the PvP server, minor edits can be made to enter bases for PvP purposes, but must be repaired by the player, or it falls under the scope of griefing. On PvE, players are not allowed to destroy or modify anyone else’s property in any way. If you see anyone doing this, confront them, and ban them if they carry on after a warning. If you ban them; please, please, please rollback the griefing while you are there by simply /lbrb-r'ing them. If they only had destroying edits; ask and admin if you can /lbrb them; otherwise a global rollback on Survival.

Try to tone down griefing rollbacks; such as minor griefs. Minor grief on survival is the same on all servers... you get noted the first time, and maybe banned the second. Using commands like /lbrb should be used for xray rollbacks, and large-scale griefs. You should try and pick reasonable numbers with /trace-r before doing a rollback. So trace-r the person, if it looks like a fair amount of grief, '/lbrb-r <player griefing> <and a radius; maybe 10-30 blocks>' After rolling back, if the user is new and doesn't have any notes, don't ban unless it's major griefing. Just '/addnote <griefer> minor griefing on s; please watch!'

On PvP, in the immediate region around spawn, players are not allowed to harm or kill anyone in this area. If you see anyone trying to do any of these, issue a warning, and if they persist, ban them. This includes, but is not limited to: lava dumping, cactus trapping and sand⁄gravel dropping. Players are also not permitted to destroy any buildings in this area. Outside of spawn, almost anything goes here, though players are not allowed to destroy other peoples buildings.

Killing players on PvE is strictly against the rules and will result in a ban. Weapons and fists do not work to damage other players due to plugins, but there are ways to cause damage that isn't blocked. PvP arenas can be enabled by admins, and deaths can happen there, so do not ban just off of a death message in chat.

Once again, stealing from locked chests is not allowed (circumventing lwc) and should result in a ban.

Stealing from unlocked chests, though, is fine on the PvP server, but is still against the rules on PvE. Please do not ban/note for theft of unlocked chests on PvP, but without proof (staff witness and/or screen shot of action), we can not punish theft on PvE!

WorldGuard regions can be created on PvE only, and we urge that staff use common sense when approving protection sizes; remember that protection is for either safeguarding builds or for defining a city's area. In any case do not protect open land. To be protected, cities have to have infrastructure placed (roads, lots of terraforming, some large measure of effort put into it - not just a cobble wall around it

Only owners of a region can request to add people to that region - always check this. If someone not the owner requests, tell them to ask the owner to make the request

  • Modmode

When on PvE or PvP, moderators need to enter a special state to have access to their additional powers. To do this, type:


To get out of ModMode; simply type again;


When entering modmode, your inventory and position will be saved for you to resume where you left off when exiting modmode. You will be unable to drop items so try to avoid picking them up.
While in modmode, you have access to various additional commands.

To enter godmode (invulnerability):


To spawn items:

"/i [item]"

Note: This should only be used to spawn lava or water for a mod request

Remember... only flow water when there are per-placed water blocks there... you can't give out free water/lava no more!

To get mod tools:

"/kit mod"

"/kit compass"

To teleport to players/places:

"/tp [player name]"

"/tphere [playername]" Note: only to be used to move players to and from jail

"/warp [warpname]"



"/vanish and /unvanish"

Neither admins, nor mods, should abuse any of their powers. This includes doing none of the following unless for moderation purposes:

  • No using ⁄tp to get around to places quickly because you don’t feel like walking.
  • No tp’ing other players to anywhere.
  • No killing someone in ⁄god mode or ⁄vanish mode.

User's can make banned items; such as TNT, you do not give these items to them, nor should you give them anything, while in modmode!

Other Helpful Commands

/up [height] - This command sends you a specified number blocks above the ground, and places a glass block at your feet. This is very handy for protecting oddly-shaped regions.

/claim [modreq ID number] - claims a modreq, so only you or admins [tech, server, head] can /done or /tp-id your claimed modreq.

/broadcast [message]- This should only be used to inform the userbase of something important. Do not use it to communicate with specific users, or for jokes or anything else. 99% of the time, you will not need to use this feature.

/tp player_name - teleport yourself to a player

/tphere player_name - teleports a player to you

/tptoggle - disable the ability for players to teleport to you

/vanish - makes you invisible - Type /unvanish to become visible again; when exiting modmode on s & p, you will automatically return to un-vanished. Mods, remember to /unvanish and /vanish AGAIN, to make sure you are completely visible, I've seen some mods meaning to be visible, and they aren't.

/god - makes you invincible (ModMode Only in Survival & PvE)

/region define name_of_protection username - creates a protected area (This may not have the proper flags)

/cregion name_of_protection username - (Creates the region with the proper flags [use this!])

/region - lists available WorldGuard commands you can use

/addflags name_of_protection - This is used on creative and pve to set up the default flags for a region

/mb - Shows a broadcast message to all mods

/kit mod - Spawns mod tools, which vary on each server.

/lookup player - See if a player has bans or notes from other MCBouncer servers.

/addnote username note - Adds a note viewable by other mods via /lookup

/delnote note ID - Deletes a note (Note ID found by typing /lookup [player name]

No compass? /jump and /thru works too.

/modmode - main mod 'tool' on s & p. This gives you access to your extra commands as mod; logblock, fix water&lava, vanish and unvanish, teleporting commands, /i, and /god, etc. Caught abusing the powers of mod will result in a ban & de-mod, you will also be noted on mcbouncer, and it is unlikely you will become mod/admin again.