Riua Sands (r9)

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Revision as of 10:01, 2 September 2012 by TheEvilRock (talk | contribs)
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Riua Sands

-- Riua Sands is a desert biome town, which you can tell by reading the name.

Our town is actually called "Riua" (We add the sands [The Biome Name] for the different biome we are in, for every different revision. .e.g.Riua Ices, Riua Plains, Riua Sands, Riua Woods. etc,

But our town is actually called "Riua"

Riua on revision 9 and started as a desert biome.

Mayors: - | Salik12 - Main Mayor TheEvilRock Firebolt1999

-- Image of a bit of the town.
