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RedditBot is a bot on Reddit's public Minecraft IRC channel, #RedditMC, through gamesurge.

Name Text Example -> Result Explanation
Help .help .help -> Plugins currently loaded: ... Returns a list of commands and their shortcuts, if any, in brackets.
Add bad word .addbadword <word> .addbadword butt -> Adds a word to the blacklist of words that will get a user kicked if used.
Calculate .calculate <expression> .calc 2*4/2-1+2 -> 5 Returns the simplified answer of a math expression using multiplication (*), division (/), addition (+), and subtraction (-).
Configure view|set|add|remove|revert) <key> [value] .config -> Returns
Countdown .countdown .count ->
Decimal .decimal <expression> .dec 1/5 -> 0.2 Returns a decimal if you enter a fraction or (sometimes) a fraction if you enter a decimal.
Delete bad word .delbadword <word> .delbadword butt -> Removes a word from the blacklist of words that will get a user kicked if used.
Gist .gist <id> .gist -> Looks up a gist by its ID.
Github /commit/<hash>] .github mcdevs/Burger -> -- Burger: A simple tool for picking out information from the minecraft JARs, primarily useful for developers. (mcdevs) Returns info on
Google .google <query> .g Minecraft -> Minecraft - Returns the first Google search result title and URL for the entered query.
Grab .grab <start_text> [~~ <end_text>] .grab horrible ~~ illiterate -> Returns a PyPaste link to line(s) of dialogue in the IRC chat from the start text to the end text (if given).
Ignore .ignore nick!user@host .ignore ~smiler@smiler100.user.gamesurge -> Mutes messages from the given IRC user.
Inject .inject <input_data> .inject -> Returns
Is up .isup <MC server address> .isup -> is online with 39/160 players online. Returns the online status and user count of a given Minecraft server URL or nickname (e.g., "p" and "pve" will work for "")
Karma .karma <reddit_username> .karma Shitty_Watercolour -> Shitty_Watercolour has 56679 link and 662953 comment karma Returns the link and comment karma for the given Reddit username. .lastfm <user 1> [<user 2>] .lastfm ->
List bad words .listbadwords .listbadwords -> Returns a list of blacklisted words that will get a user kicked if used.
List ignores .listignores .listignores -> Returns a list of users that have been muted by the ignore command.
MC Bouncer .mcbouncer .mcb -> Returns
MC Premium (MC Account) .mcpremium <username> .mcaccount Notch -> Notch is a premium Minecaft account Returns the account status of a Minecraft user.
Mumble .mumble <[host[:port]]> .mumble .mumble -> is up with 14/200 users. Returns the online status and user count of a given mumble server.
Python .python <exp> .python -> Returns
Raw .raw <command> .raw -> Returns
Reddit .reddit <subreddit> .reddit mcpublic -> /r/mcpublic - 'CTT Arena match friday night!!' - +7/-1 - Returns the top rated post title, votes, and link for that subreddit.
Session (Login) .session .login -> [Login] Up! [Session] Up! Returns the online status for the Mojang login and session servers.
Source .source <[url]> .source -> 'CTT Arena match friday night!!' - +8/-1 - Returns the post title, votes, and link for the given Reddit URL.
Status .status Reddit PvE Server: [16/160] | Reddit Survival Server: [8/150] Returns the online status and user count of Reddit's public minecraft servers.
Tell .tell <nick> <message> .tell totemo hello -> I'll tell totemo that when I see them. Saves a message that will appear the next time the given user logs into the #RedditMC IRC channel.
Twitter twitter <username> .twitter notch -> @notch: I love getting called gay as an insult. In my head it's like calling people swimmers. I don't swim, but I kinda like the idea. Seems cozy. Returns the last tweet (even an @ reply) from the given Twitter user.
Unignore .unignore nick!user@host .unignore ~smiler@smiler100.user.gamesurge -> Unmutes messages from the given IRC user.
Up time .uptime .up -> Returns
Usage .usage <plugin> .help calculate -> .calculate <expression> Returns usage instructions for a specific command.
Version .version .version -> I am at -- 9d65a37 Joe Alcorn: fix keyerror Returns a link
Wikipedia .wikipedia <query> .wp minecraft -> Minecraft -- Minecraft is a sandbox indie game originally created by Swedish programmer Markus "Notch" Persson and later developed and published by Mojang. -- Returns the first Wikipedia article result title, brief description,
Wolfram Alpha .wolframalph <query> noun | a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid... Returns the top Wolfram Alpha answer for the given query.
Version .version .version -> I am at -- 9d65a37 Joe Alcorn: fix keyerror Returns a link
Version .version .version -> I am at -- 9d65a37 Joe Alcorn: fix keyerror Returns a link