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JackInYourBox is a regular player on the reddit PVE server, and started playing in the Spring of 2011 (revision 3). He is commonly referred to as "Jack," or "JIYB," and as his name suggests he has a penchant for being in peoples' boxes (when he can find them).


JackInYourBox wears a variety of Bionicle skins depending on the biome he most commonly resides in. As of May 29th, 2012, he wears a green Lewa skin.


Jack is a very social individual who enjoys making harmless quips at other players, and can usually be "heard" asking people for sandstone trades. He commonly builds with a clean modern style, but has been known to embrace his medieval side from time to time.


On Revision 3 JackInYourBox was a resident and assistant manager of the small Woodville suburb Riverside, and was responsible for much of the landscaping in the town, as well as the design of Riverside Restaurant. Late in the revision, he discovered the small medieval-themed town of Voi, and became one of the head architects of the town.

Revision 4 brought out even more of Jack's landscaping tendencies when he, BlargalShark, and UnableHammar set out to found the small town of Douglass, of which the signature landmarks were two identical tall trees created by the Phoenix Terrain Mod (later coined "The Douglass Firs"). Douglass is also renowned for its terracing, as well as the checked design embossed on it's cliff faces (now know as the Checkered Cliffs of Douglass). He was also responsible for the design and construction of Douglass Embassy in Brom Township.

Jack was not as active during the fifth revision of the PVE server, and as such he began a more nomadic existence; building small homes in Seneca and Wellspring, and then branching off to build the Historical Museum of Brom in Brom Empire.

In Revision 6, JackInYourBox attempted to bring a medieval theme back to the PVE server by starting a small village called Ravenmoore. Jack eventually left the Ravenmoore project and migrated to Wellspring. He eventually settled in Pleasantville, where he spent his time for the rest of the revision.

During Revision 7, he focused on exploration and architectural variety, building homes in Wellspring, Seneca, Deorne, and Woodville. He is perhaps most noted as the architect of Thingymajangle Tower in Oops-Upon-Sea, which Ooer moved from its original hidden nook to its point of prominence alongside Ooer's own mansion.

Current Work

Jack is currently working on a throwback to Revision 4's Douglass with his amici Blargalshark, UnableHammar, and Amalgamation. New Douglass can be found at approximately -1400x, 200z.

Apparent Shyness

In the late summer of 2011, Jack was pressured into getting on mumble to chat with the fine people of PVE (including WaterSlide, Schererererer, thelethalkind, and others). After a quick greeting, Jack's mumble client decided to freak out, and proceeded to crash his computer. He has not been back on mumble to this day.


JackInYourBox is not actually named Jack. Nor is his name Sandwich. Shocking!
