Bestof/AFK Mods

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Revision as of 14:11, 11 October 2011 by Jchance (talk | contribs) (→‎cmdrtebok)
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Otherwise referred to as "The Most Dangerous Game", screenshotting AFK Mods can possibly get you kicked, banned, or make you hated by the MCPublic mod community.

The Process

  1. Find AFK mod
  2. Quickly erect structure around AFK mod
  3. Place funny or embarrassing sign
  4. Take screenshot
  5. Post screeenshot to wiki and/or reddit for the lulz
  6. ???
  7. Profit!

For extra style points (and to avoid possibly getting kicked/banned) destroy the structure after the screenshot, leaving everything as you found it. This will prevent the mod from knowing what happened until they see the screenshot posted publicly, adding to the trolololol!

Hall of Fame

Mods who got caught in the screenshot's lens while AFK:


Afk mod tebok.png





