PvE r22

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Revision as of 14:26, 10 June 2018 by Kirstae (talk | contribs)
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PvE map revision 22 began on March 16, 2018. Rev 22's theme is Archaeology.

More information on this revision can be found in the reddit post here.


9000 x 9000 square
This map features WorldPainted trees and mountains.
Ore modifications

Ores were dispersed randomly at various elevations.

Nether Portals

Nether portals 1-4 were pre-placed across the map, and portals 5-12 were gradually released over the course of the first two months. Clues were released with the announcement of the portals, in the form of images, or riddles.

Portal Overworld coords Nether coords Owner
Spawn (0, 0) (?, ?) Padmins
Solace (South West) (-449, 1551) (?, ?) ghrey303
DuSable (South East) (1600, -619) (?, ?) FlyinSloth
Rose (North West) (-2024, -1518) (?, ?) ttsci
Vismosas (North East) (1405, -2864) (?, ?) LadyKivi
Pico (North East) (3501, -1425) (?, ?) TECP
NasKerrak (North East) (3613, -3291) (?, ?) TheAcademician
Hyrule (South East (3909, 3070) (?, ?) gk_ryo
Akinah (North West) (-938, -3297) (?, ?) Nistune
SW (South West) (-3518, 2924) (?, ?) Smooshr
Suramar (South West) (-4017, 1060) (?, ?) Torteela
Mooshroom (Northwest) (-3614, -1441) (?, ?) Sapphric
Kirik Tepe (South East) (394, 3716) (?, ?) nels_nelson

End Portals

Portal Overworld coords Owner
SE 702, 26, 2626 Azumaril
NNW -2216, 26, -4136 Fazaden
NE 2811, 18, -4354 defiex
NW -4250, 0, -1500 Benergy09
NEE 1894, 26, -1840 -
SW -2501, 33, 3865 Smooshr